A New and Improved, Money-Saving, New Product
Fact: Your new product replaces an older technology. It will cost less to operate, is quicker, and provides more information. The price is $30K. There are 200 labs in your territory doing it the old way. If your product really does save money and/or time, why doesn’t every site buy one? more...
The Cost of Poor Sales Performance
Fact: The majority of sales people out there are screaming for help, silently. They hide behind price objections, a lack of leads, inferior or outdated products, cold territories, and low priced competition. They fuss with smart phones, websites, LinkedIn and social media. They research research research information and talk to an average 5 prospects a week! For every ten people selling, two are bright stars, three are ‘up and comers’, three are very average, and two are in trouble. In most companies, 50% of the salesforce is ‘turnover’ bait. They are either fired, or leave for mediocrity elsewhere. The other 50% - the top half - will leave for greener fields. In today’s job jumping world, few, if any, will retire from your company. That’s real economic strain when you calculate the investment made in a salesrep. more...